When it comes to creating niche web sites, many people are confused what the best approaches are to earning money from their blog.
Some blog owners are creative people who like to redesign their blog endlessly to get it just right, whilst others are born writers but do not have much of a clue when it comes to making money from their blog. Many fall in the middle between being someone focused on design and someone who only likes to write. Few people that start a blog are born businessmen or businesswomen.

Google Adsense
One of the best starting points for new bloggers is Google’s Adsense advertising system. Here they accept many thousands of different adverts every day and place them on appropriate websites (and now mobile sites too) which are relevant to the advertiser Therefore, if you have a blog focused on the best furniture repair techniques, then advertisers looking to promote their own furniture-related business, DIY store and the like, may appear on your site.
In order to get an idea what you would receive from an ad click, you will need to have a Gmail account with Google and access Google’s own keyword research tool. This is located here: https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal.
When searching for relevant keywords, you will see a column entitled CPC and this tells you what the advertiser is willing to pay for a single visitor to their own site. The percentages vary for what the site owner will receive who acts as a publisher for the advert on their site, but percentages vary typically from 20-40% of the CPC. With enough traffic and ad clicks, this can add up over time.
Private Advertising
If you wish, you can also trying approaching companies yourself and selling your own ad space directly.
To be successful here, you will need to have developed a blog that is receiving several thousand unique visitors a month, possibly with a Google PageRank of 3 or higher, and it is also good to have visitors staying over a minute or more.
There are also several bloggers that have begun offering their own advertising management services, using their own advertiser list developed over time, and taking a cut of the ad sales they create for your blog.
Affiliate Products
Affiliate products is also a great way to generate additional revenue for your blog. Here you are recommending products to site visitors in the hope that they will make a purchase. You will receive an affiliate code (to identify you) when referring the visitor to the sellers’ site and if they make a purchase then you will receive an affiliate commission.
Commission rates vary from as low as 1-2% all the way up to 70+% for some products listed on Clickbank. 😉 😀
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Great post! It is helpful content for me .Thanks for sharing